A triple-decked Shinkansen from Echigoyuzawa to Niigata
Took Shinkansen again from Echigoyuzawa to Niigata. Took some time to familiarize with the place to find the way out of the station to get into our hotel.
Niigata was freezing! The roads were slippery and the folks walked on the ice as if they were olympic ice-skaters. After finding our Heimat hotel, we took the Inuyasha bus (500 yen) at the Bandai Bus Terminal round the city.
Inuyasha Bus
My aunt complained it was boring as there were no shopping but only museums and parks.

Inside the bus
Almost fell asleep on bus throughout the bus trip. Finally we stopped near Next 21 and had our lunch at one of the market places where they sell umbrellas and stuffs. Thought I could regain my shopping senses, unfortunately, I suddenly felt very cold and weak. My head was burning from the unrecovered flu I had while in Singapore. After convincing them for an early lunch in one of the shops, I gulped down the hot ramen soup then my flu tablets, hoping for an instant recovery.
Side note: It is a little strange that they still serve ice water during winter.
The Ramen chef and his wife were friendly and asked where we were from despite the communication barrier while my sis tried to salvage the situation with her "dropped-out" Japanese.
Back to shopping after recharging from a hearty lunch, we moved on to visit Next 21, one of the tallest skyscrapers in Niigata city. Actually, it wouldn't be considered as a skyscraper as it is only 21 storeys high. The other "skyscraper" is the Bandaijima Building which consists of 31 storeys.
Views from Next 21. Saw the graves below?
Compared to Tokyo, Niigata was a little backward and less commercialised. There were no people cutting through your lane when you were walking. People were more approachable, however it was boring.
Not much of shopping achievements, we headed back hotel and had our packed sushi from a supermart for dinner there.
Tried the washing machine and dryer (100 yen per hour) too. Finally got the chance to wash our dirty load! Hotel service was good as they supplied free massaging chairs and heater while waiting for your laundry to complete.
....... to be continued in Day 7