Had quite a hearty breakfast at Moriva cafe near Chang Tee and surprised to see a makeup-less Ms Felicia Chin.
Streets of Ikebukuro
Can't recognise her in the first place until my aunt told me. She was with 2 other friends, one of them, an auntie was speaking in Taiwanese-accent Mandarin. Her gang nearly took our seats in the crowded cafe until I shove my bag to chop it.
Found seats somewhere else, Ms Chin started snapping herself (自拍)with the camera in hand. My cousins called her "Silky Girl".
Moved off to visit Sensō-ji, an ancient Buddhist temple located in Asakusa and the market along boulevard. Extremely crowded, as it was Saturday, my aunt spotted a cute baby wearing a fur costume (resembled a bear) and wanted to buy something like that also as a gift for a relative.
Hey! Who left the shoe there?
After some pictures taken and snacks bought along the street, we decided to head towards Ginza as cousin needs her haircut. Aunt mentioned there was quite a reasonable shop around that was around 3,000 yen per cut.
Took the Ginza line
The main road of Ginza was converted into a pedestrian mall where we were actually walking in the middle of the road!

Quite "shiok" to walk in the middle of the road.
Visited Fancl and had our sabusabu lunch next to the building.

Our lunch costs about 1,050 yen each. It's owned by residing Taiwanese man in Japan. The Taiwanese boss chatted with us and showed us the name cards of the customers from Spore who came into his shop before.

The service was good and price was reasonable. Recommended to come again.
Walked on, trying to look for the salon again by asking the shoppers around.

A multi-storey toy shop around the corner
We asked around on the whereabouts of the hair salon again and later we found it had been closed.

Shop selling Baum Kuchen had a long queue too
Saw queues everywhere in Ginza including queuing up to enter into a new shop (abercrombie and fitch). Saw H&M having sales items for 1,000 yen , however almost fainted due to too many shoppers inside. Shouldn't had tried coming on a sat.
After dinner at Ueno (salmon rice) we headed for shoes/boots suitable for winter. Bought the Meiji collagen powder and shiseido facial foam from drugstore nearby. The cashier asked, "You must be from Spore!" as she noticed lots of Sporeans bought those stuff.
Last stop was at Ikebukuro South where there were shops opened till midnight. Found the jeans mate shop that opened 24 hours.
....... to be continued in Day 3