Friday, February 04, 2005

There is 1 time where I heard 2 guys talking to each other:-

"Pretty gals often stick to ugly guys.. & ugly gals often get the good looking guys"

When I heard this, I giggled (silently). However I felt it is true in certain extent. Gals look for "common-looking" guys because of a sense of security. Good looking gals often prefer plain janes as they wants someone to cook, sew and take care of the house.

He is not handsome, rather average-looking. He has this very common small eyes & face where you find in the streets. I can't say that he is the perfect "bf" for me (anyway, he is not!!) , but he appears to be quite a stable guy. He works for the Army, hardly spends his money & stays at home after work... So i presume he must be a very boring guy. He does not have a gf, BUT he has pretty good testimonial from girls in Friendster!..."Grab him fast before he is gone!!"...

Sometimes when you encountered a few broken relationships before, you tend to be tired of having them again. But He is the one that I like to find out from him more. Strangely, my heart was beating quite fast when talking to him... :) I just wonder how he look now. We r meeting up on Monday, I hope I can still recognise him.