Saturday, February 19, 2005

I had an another chance to survive through this terrible module, Property Economics. The 'failures' were supposed to give a presentation of the questions given by Jessica (lecturer). I admit I din prepare much, as I am pretty tired, given only 1 day to prepare answers & slides. Mandy (my partner) a more lively gal helped to prepare most of the contents as I helped to print out the transparencies.
The 1st presentation went on well, the 1st group, Judy was splendid. Her partner presented in a confident manner, but he is quite 'tao' one, dun really like him much. Winsun's group, his 'friend' flew him areoplane, did not attend the lecture at all. Thus he has to present the answers alone. So glad that Mandy helped throughout the whole presentation, i was already half dead after the work & no energy to carry on...
Some of the course-mates asked some questions. Some of them... (ahem... I shall not mention names) are rather unhelpful and shoot us questions which we dun know how to answer... I still remember the evil smirk on their faces that night... Ms M, Ms A & another one.. which once I again I shall not mention names. Luckily, Terence saved our day in helping us to answer the questions, and not forgetting the nice Liyan.. the also very stylo gal who complimented on our presentation too.
Met up with Huifang on the next evening, we had dinner at Bugis and watched Constantine. She was still the lively, cheerful gal.. haha.. we all put on weight <-- Luckily I am not the only one!! During the dinner, she told me she was working in NCS, in Sunshine Plaza, veri near to my work place. She doesn't know the way to come to Bugis, and she sought help from her colleague to come to Bugis Junction to meet me. Still unattached, I asked her whether she attended any SDU gatherings. She told me she did, but they are rather unfruitful as guys who attended the gathering are only looking for gals looking demure, quiet or busty. They do not like gals who talk loudly. There are also alot of Single Desperate Unwanted guys waiting for their chances to get involved in a relationship.
Huifang also went for holiday in Spain, London & Belgium... hoho.... so GOOD!!! Wish i can go too... Yup, I'll be planning to go too, probably in a couple of years time.