Watched the movie during National Day, actually Guoqing bought 2 tix to watch Hostel 2. Seeing it as gory, bloody, sick show and he bought the tix without consulting me, I went over to change into Jay Chou's "Secret".
Spoilers~~ Dun say I din warn you.
Well, Uncle Jay did tell us not to disclose the Secret after watching. However, I've already known what's going on when I saw the girl in the beginning. Well, it was pretty obvious, because no one seems to be talking or noticed her when she was in the classroom, only Jay, so I presumed that probably the girl was a ghost or something.
=) I'm very smart hor?
Well, the girl was actually from the past, 20 years earlier, at different zone, but same location. She happened to find a score under an old piano in the school's music room named "Secret" which has a whimsical poem written on it. And Jay Chou could see her because as stated in the poem, the first person she sees is able to see her and the rests dun. And if she wants to return back to her time, she has to play the score very fast...
well, here's the trailer.
An interesting piano contest...
....And a cute flirty way of playing piano together...
A must watch movie not only for its plot (well... not too bad from the first-time director, Jay), the music scores are also very well-composed. The soundtrack is greatly recommended. And everyone in the show can play musical instruments...hated the fact I can't play any. :-(
Need not say more, support my idol bah... his acting improved quite alot already lor.