Watched "Pride & Prejudice" with a friend on last Friday. It had been quite a long time eversince the last classical movie, "Titanic" <= Was that a classic?
I always love classics, because the ending is always beautiful.
I'm never in doubt when I found Keira Knightley acting as Elizabeth Bonnet, the strong-willed, intelligent yet stubborn woman, who won the heart of the very "proud" Mr Darcy.

Pride & Prejudice Movie
I looked back into our favourite starlet's past few movies and found most of her roles did not suit her.

Keira in "Pirates of Carribean" Delicious set of breasts...:p
Hollywood, special effects, not all her.....

This kind of cleavage I also can "create" mysef... haha...
Just lie down on yr side will do
The secret is revealed!!

The beautiful "Queen of England, Ginevere" in "King Arthur"
When applied the amazing Photoshop Skills...

From "airport runway " to "B cup" .. just a few clicks away...
I also want to Photoshop myself like this.. haha...
Does this "disadvantage" dampen her hopes in Hollywood? I doubt so. She is getting saucier roles than before. I just feel she may get a nomination for Oscars for her role in "Pride & Prejudice"