Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Yes... ?? Where was I...? Sorry, I got so engrossed with the quizes.

The episode does on..

I wanted to look for a new wardrobe, study table & a TV rack for my new bedroom. As told in the last episode, I was asked to move to the study room. My uncle will help to repaint the wall, asking which colour I wanted too... (so touched..) Anyway, I have been planning to buy new furniture for myself, as most of the furniture are collected downstairs where people throw away during festive seasons. <-- sounded cheap skate rite, but wat to do, save money mah..

Went window-shopping at Carefour after work, was expecting to see better offers there. No doubt the furniture were cheaper, but they are pretty flimsy, looks like about to rot soon after using for 1 year. Plus, there will be free delivery for purchases above $200!! The only problem is you'll have to assemble the parts yr self back home. Was told by the staff that they will provide chargeable services in helping you to assemble, I guess for this case, the wardrobe will be a problem to me as it will be quite big.

I have not purchased anything yet, still sourcing for better options. Like Boss said, have more ample time to find out prices, different qualities then do an analysis on the comparables... oh no.. kena brain-washed by his words again. Went to look at Courts, the staff looked half dead, so I just browsed around without enquiring anything.

I'll probably visit Ikea too in the weekends(crossing my fingers..). Heard from friends that the furniture's quality slightly better.

Oh no, guess wat I had for my dinner... fast food!! I already promised myself not to touch them again for this week, planned to go for the fat reducing program. My fat content is 18.9%, though it is on the safe side (<27%), I just feeling so "meaty" everytime I wear clothes. That explained why I need a new wardrobe!!!!

There is this very rude encounter I had at McDonalds. This gal (crew leader) was talking very loudly to her crew.. somehow like shouting and commanding them to do things. She got frustrated and bossy also... feeling pretty uncomfortable seeing her shouting like that, then she kept apologising to customers bec of her shouting. It was kind of amusing, like fish market. Think the crew leader should go for some training course in customer service too..

shall end here..(yawn)