I bought a yukata (japanese summer kimono) from ebay. The order was US$50++ but total delivery charges added to US$85. Freakingly expensive hor? Yup, slap me hard on the face when I know it is made in China.
The parcel came in 3 weeks later~~~ due to some address error by the seller. Luckily I paid for registered mail so it wasn't too bad can still trace. Once collected, I can't wait to try it on.

Neat box~

Neat note~

Items messed up by me. Consist of the yukata, sash, obi (larger cloth) and a readily-made butterfly obi.
Pretty huh? OK, time to try it on.
I had no idea on how to put it on, so I surfed the net for info. Here are the methods. Pretty impressive huh?

Me without make-up. Spent almost 30min figuring out how to put on the sash.
That's not all.
I signed up for a makeover at Laneige for its new launch of Snow Crystal Makeup series. They invited a makeup artist from South Korea to conduct the makeover. Delighted over the fact that you only need to purchase a voucher of $50 (can be fully redeemed from products purchase) I took on the challenge.
When my friends saw the makeup artist, they find him looking pretty unprofessional, don't really have the "seh" of makeup artist. Well, in the end, I got my face "painted" by him. He put on some skin refining lotion and moisturizer on my face despite I've already put on sunblock. So, it end up my face turning quite heavily done. The snow crystal makeup don't really bring out my face well, just shimmery shimmery and very highlighted.... perhaps I was more used to the matte look.

After my makeover ... at a Hong Kong cafe. I had this feeling that people giving me strange looks, must be wondering why my face was "so like this"....
I thought I could at least end up like her. XP
* btw Evonne's not joining me for the Hokkaido trip as she cannot stand the cold that well...