There'd been alot of news from our Harry Potter star, Daniel Radcliffe. One of them is the upcoming 5th and 6th installment of Harry Potter. The other is the publicity photos for the controversial play, Equss which showed a topless and buffed Radcliffe being hugged by a naked woman. Another shows him leaning against bales of hay as he stares up at the topless woman. A third has him posing in front of a white horse.

These photos have raised adverse feedbacks from his fans, where parents of these children wrote in,
"We as parents feel Daniel should not appear nude. Our nine-year-old son looks up to him as a role model. We are very disappointed and will avoid the future movies he makes," one parent wrote."
Honestly speaking, I think these shots are a breakthrough from his Harry Potter's image. However, I still miss the little boy's looks of dear Daniel.

Not really a die-hard fan of the Harry Potter's books, I've watched every episode of the Harry Potter's movies, seeing how the boy has grown up. Looking at his new tough looks and hairy chest... dark body hair...oops... I am not sexually attracted to him.. mind you..!!!! And dun accuse me of being a paedophile. But the mentioning of growing up just entwines in my little mind for a while.
How fast kids grew up into adults these days...
The problem with child-stars is even when they have grown up, people still think of them as children and sometimes hard to accept them as adults.

Christina Ricci in "The Adams Family"

Kirsten Dunst in "Interview with the Vampire"
The images of young Kirsten Dunst and Christina Ricci are still captivated in my mind and it is hard to shake them off.