Felix, the thorn among the roses (as mentioned by Helen), volunteered to bring us to the latest, hottest clubbing, Minstry of Sound, in Spore Clarke Quay.
Surprisingly, Lena, Shirley and Theresa were excited to go there look look see see, and interested to find out the recent exciting nite life in Spore. I was even more surprised that Helen Koh joining us to create havoc too... (Chuckles...) Evelyn joined us later at around 1030pm.
We reached MOS at 9pm, was kind of too early to witness anything "happening". Lena had also requested her ex-manager, Dawn to arrange us to go in as "guests"... (huhuhu... :-)
I din bring my camera, thus, using my hp to take some pictures. Lights were dim in the club, we were all mesmerised by the lighting, sound, aircon concept. I managed to take some humble pics of us in the reserved spot.

Raine was totally immersed into the music and atmosphere at L1 dance pool. Theresa was not quite used to the booze but was finding alrite with the music.

Lena's pretty cousin and her friend. I was so surprised that she looked so young despite her age.. Peifu, peifu... :-)

Sorrie this pic turns out really blur.. but was kind of interesting.. hehe...
Wow.. Shirley was dressing really sexily that nite.

The club was filled with masalehs, young punks, yuppies, businessmen, old men, old women.. anyone u can find... with all races, diff colours, diff language. As the time passed, we noticed the atmosphere getting smokier, dimmer and denser....
We left abt 2am.
I won't mind going for a 2nd time, and this time round, I'll be bringing my camera along.
BTW, the aircon was really in full blast and u can even feel the cold air just standing outside of the club.