Din felt too good over the Econs paper today. I had the feeling that I'll probably score less than 30 marks for this paper (the full score is 60 marks)
Woke up at 530am to finish up the final chapters this morning, I wasn't paying attention to the Nash Equilibrium topic which was one of those boring chapters I've encountered. What I've remembered that this theory was created by John Nash who won a Nobel prize for his Game Theory. Anyway, he was a crazy guy to come out with such theory. What Nash Equilibria, Prisoner's Dilemma, dominant case..... blah blah blah..
Anyway, it was just an MCQ. No deduction of marks for incorrect answers. 5 options to choose for the correct answers. So, chances of getting the right answers was 20% each. If one is to randomly pick an answer, the probability of getting the correct answers is (20%) power of 60..... wow... even more difficult than striking toto/4D. The difference of failing or passing is neligible.
The most disturbing part of the exams was the invigilator. Who was the arsehole who engaged a cheena invigilator to explain the errors in the paper??? (pls wack him hard for me..)
He looked abit like Chibi Maruko Chan' s grandfather with a radish-looking head.

"Excccuseee moi, the issh an arrol in qistion fortee-sex, ip you haf to joosh ashser "c" or "d", tey arse the sam"
I was like.. "Arsechuse moi, can u repeat again?" ('_')???
Another 5 mins wasted just by listening to his inaudible and inunderstoodable "powderful" England.. sigh.. I buried myself back to my answer sheet, scratching my head.
15 mins went past, 45 mins gone.. I was still stuck in some of the tricky questions. No time to waste, I've got to move on. I noticed I've focused on the wrong chapters during revison.
Lastly, I only managed to fill up the 60 questions at the last min. There was really no time to check through.. sigh... shouldn't have wasted that time listening to that stupid fellow.. If I had more time, just that extra minute, I've more time to think over and filled in the correct answer. I've just made a gross mistake in picking the wrong answer after submitting the bubble form.
Tough luck for only the first day.. worse is yet to come. :(