cute bor? (almost fainted by his overdose of cuteness)
sorry la, Ah Lun, now my new focus is on this boy, Jiro Wang from Fahrenheit. Actually, I do not really like the boy band but this boy really captivated my heart from his top-notch comedic role in Hana Kimi, a Taiwanese drama inspired from a Japanese comic.
looks like yr regular boy-next-door having dinner at yr house...
or yr stupid friend who made fun of the food u cooked...

or simply looked nerdy like yr senior who gives some private tuition @ yr place

our dear boy boy seemed to have matured too...
"Be my valentine, ok baby?"
An early Valentine's Day greeting for everyone. :)
Jiro looks like a hybrid of Edison Chen and Jimmy Lim if u observe closely. He also seemed to be the most chatty among his group of four members and certainly knows how to "make friends" with the media. He tried all ways to gain attention; making monkey faces, cute girly shots... which i feel all are really unnecessary. He has good features and great physique (although I've been trying to search for his pic with 6-pacs... but failed to find any =P) and certainly looked photogenic in all angles.
Being a comedic role in most of his tv dramas, I felt he is also suitable for Tamaki, the handsome but stupid male lead in Ouran High School.

He was featured in this MTV by Tank and it seemed he has a taste for elder women. :P
Did I mention that he has a blog too? I love guys who write blogs !!! :)

sorry la Jay, I know u r cute too, and I will always love the songs u wrote..