Found white hairs (tons of them!!) after my exams. So, to save cost, I just have to do DIY colouring lor :D

I chose this brand Bigen Prominous (Light Copper Blonde) because it said it is the best selling hair dye in Japan. The good thing abt this brand is it has a special comb attached onto the bottle so u can squeeze the lotion out and comb them evenly onto your hair. NO WASTED DRIPS~~ :D

Going to be a RED-HEAD after this~~ :D
After 40 mins ...

Gosh, it looked that the "blondiness" did not really get into my hair. My hair's too dark leh la...
Then, I became more siao and took a pair of scissors and snipped away my irritaing long fringe!!

How I looked? :P Drop me a comment lar~
Tommorow is the BIG day, must sleep full full so won't cross the wrong box on the election form ah.. :D Well, I am still wondering why is cost of living going up and yet no pay increment.... better choose my vote carefully.
BTW, it's my first time to vote, and I wonder how long shall I have to wait for next one.