Haha.. it was just a belated birthday celebration with my friends which I've promised them a treat during my birthday. We din managed to celebrate on time as I was busy mugging for exams and Qing was on her Bangkok trip.

Click on the pic for more pictures!!
Sorry for the blur, the photographer (the boss of the food outlet) took this pic with pretty unsteady hands. (plus the fact I switched off the "flash" mode for a natural-look kind of shot)
It was quite eventful and we later procceded to PICTUREHOUSE for a movie. In the beginning, we actually have planned to watch DA VINCI CODE, but all tickets were sold out. Therefore, Qing suggested to watch "OVER THE HEDGE" instead. It was a great movie as well as the whole crowd was chuckling non-stop watching how the funny animals collected their food for Winter.
OVER THE HEDGE was based on a comic by Michael Fry/Lewis T, which has been on 200 newspapers for 11 years! It showed how those animals, a racoon, a turtle and squrriel managed to survive through the suburban life when most parts of their forests had been wiped out to make way for residential housing. Again, this highlighted us how disastrous urbanisation had caused to the environment.