My exams ended last Thurs, to celebrate this day, some of my classmates gathered at Marchie, Suntec to celebrate this fateful event with sumptuous meal.
Well, Marchie’s food ain’t cheap, should have settled down with a buffet, but in order not to be a spoil-sport, I joined in. As usual, I had my salmon cream-sauced spaghetti and with tomato cube-toppings, a bottle of pink lemonade and banana with ice-cream waffle (yummy :-P)… The food’s great, so was the ambience. The seven of us shared our corny jokes and past experiences in examinations. It was a great group to be with, these people ain’t afraid to share anything “embarrassing”, haha….
Back to the exams topic. The papers not that difficult, just some of the questions from Building Technology is alittle unexpected. There are also a lot of questions on sketching & annotations, which are really time-consuming. I think I’ve sketched real badly, not using ruler because lack of time. Really hope I can still pass. I had more confidence in Urban Land Use & Development instead.
My examinations only stretches about 1 week, there are some students whose examinations took almost two weeks to complete!
Aunt told me that my pet male terrapin has disappeared!! (eversince my last examination) It was so used to crawling out from its basin and crept into those hidden corners of the house. This time round, it can’t be found anywhere. We had searched everywhere, looking under the bed, behind the closet, bending to every dark corners, looking along the corridors too, has it actually crawled out the iron door grilles and left home? I won’t mind if someone is kind enough to keep him as pet if they find him along the roads. I hope he can find a better home somewhere… (sob..)

"Siao wu gui.. where are you? Pls dun play hide & seek with me ah, can or not??"
Visited the Sitex on Sat morning, 12pm. Actually I wanted be there before it opened its doors.. hehe.. abit kiasu, but I felt reluctant to wake up so early in the morning. Crowd wasn't that bad, browsed along the booths, my wish-list is to get a lap-top. (Well, my 4-year old PC is dying…) . Was interested in getting Toshiba Satelite series at first, but wasn’t pleased with the fact that I could not pay by installment. So, I dropped by Dell to take a look.
The Dell’s booth was really flooded with people. Consumers were busy laying their hands-on the latest models and I was there waiting for my chance to feel the weight of the exhibited laptops. Dell Inspirion 630m is not bad, about 2.5kg so I gave it a 2nd-thought and purchased it with 24-mths installment plan. There was a Spin and Win too, and I managed to win 1 pair of movie tickets from GV (well, the customer in-front me won a webcam!! How envious.. :( )
Just have to wait for another 2 weeks for my new lap-top to be delivered to my house.
*shrugs again*
Sis and Aunt are asking me, why do I still need a lap-top since I already have a PC which is still working fine. I told them that I need it to do research in NLB (typing in the reference instead of photocopying or writing) provided my PC is already so old, is going to die anytime. (I take great care of it and is still in great-shape, except the warranty has expired and the CD-Writer is faulty). The most important reason is perhaps I may be moving out soon, it’d be less convenient for me to carry this ‘baby’ with me anytime.
Went for Mingen’s (ex-comic fastfood member) 21st birthday, which we thought “Hey!! I thought he is over 21st year old already?”.. haha….
Shared the gift with 2 other friends. After that, I decided to actually try walking back to Tampines Bus Interchange, shouldn’t be a great problem since the place is so near, might as well save another 68 cents and loose some weight. I took the challenge. As I walked along, I noticed the roads are getting more and more deserted, street lights getting more and more dimmer, I felt alittle scared but still regained my courage to “plough” on…. I even tried hailing the taxi, but it din stop.. hehe…
Finally, I saw people (sign of relief) and reached the bus-stop with bus that can take me straight home. Little that I realized I took a ‘long’ one, took me almost 30 mins which I can actually reach the same destination by taking the shortcut (15 mins).

The Great Tampines Walk!! Suddenly, I realised how stupid I am that I din take the short-cuts
Anyway, a lesson learnt for that day.