Not really in a good mood for blogging, but I'll type some anyway.
Started my NUS part-time course and it has came to the 5th week of the semester. The scehdule is hectic and basically i'm sleeping only less than 6 hours everyday. Sometimes, I do need to sacrifice more of my sleep to accomplish assignments to be handed in on that day. Woke up at 5am, slept@ 11.30pm or later, my dark eye circles are going bad to worse!!
Shared my grievances with a close friend on Sat. I do have to think it over about how to handle situations beyond my control. Giving myself more time to accept what things are and endure the current situation. Of course, giving myself more buffer to accomplish something. (hmmm... wasn't I doing most of the time?) And also try to be more tolerant with others and be more sensitive to other people's feelings.
Did something special on Sun, I coloured my newly grown hair!! DIY! Yes, bought the Wella colouring kit and did it myself. Well, it did saved me quite alot of money. Imagine, spending so much time in the salon and spending $100++ to get yrself a make-over, why not try at home!! Well, the colouring was not as fantastic as those professionals did on you, but it wasn't that bad. The black portions are no longer visible, my hair looked more shiny and healthy.

Not Yunnam or Beijing 101 haircare advert la~
Started my NUS part-time course and it has came to the 5th week of the semester. The scehdule is hectic and basically i'm sleeping only less than 6 hours everyday. Sometimes, I do need to sacrifice more of my sleep to accomplish assignments to be handed in on that day. Woke up at 5am, slept@ 11.30pm or later, my dark eye circles are going bad to worse!!
Shared my grievances with a close friend on Sat. I do have to think it over about how to handle situations beyond my control. Giving myself more time to accept what things are and endure the current situation. Of course, giving myself more buffer to accomplish something. (hmmm... wasn't I doing most of the time?) And also try to be more tolerant with others and be more sensitive to other people's feelings.
Did something special on Sun, I coloured my newly grown hair!! DIY! Yes, bought the Wella colouring kit and did it myself. Well, it did saved me quite alot of money. Imagine, spending so much time in the salon and spending $100++ to get yrself a make-over, why not try at home!! Well, the colouring was not as fantastic as those professionals did on you, but it wasn't that bad. The black portions are no longer visible, my hair looked more shiny and healthy.

Not Yunnam or Beijing 101 haircare advert la~
Then feeling abit bored, I tried this.
(Stretching out my hand to take a cool panoramic shot)

Sorry for my messy table, yet to clear it for weeks.