Each night, travelling the MRT alone made me think of him. Those days he would actually fetch me home from school with his Mistubishi Colt. But it was around 1 year ago where he last fetched me from school, "Well, the MRT's quite safe, I'm pretty tired after tuitioning, so why dun you try to get home yourself.."

I broke up with him since then. I could not believe my ears when he uttered such words to me. It was not all, he was totally defensive for his and his mother's doing, accusing me of my mistakes which I had already apologised. He kept on digging out the history of my evil deeds done on him and claimed that I had hurt him badly. But didn't he realised that he was wrong too in showing my sms to his mother?
Well, I believe as time goes by, I will soon forget all about him... meantime, my focus is all in my studies.