Ghee.. try this.. quite fun.. :P I dun think I look like Lucy Liu at all...
The Face Analyzer

When Life is a strange encounter everyday...
Keep on working... until u die, dude....
no one's going to appreciate that, nah...
just save the effort.
Before sourcing for suitable tour agency for our incomg HK trip, Evonne suggesed that we should go for lunch. We happened to pass by Majestic Building (used to be a cinema) and saw this particular restaurant. Yep, I've seen the advert abt this Chinese La Mian Restaurant on TV.
The exterior reminds me of some fastfood outlets.
It is located at the 2nd Storey of Majestic Building (Near People's Park Centre)
As we stepped in, we noticed there was another lower level. It looked more like a canteen to me. Wasn't as well-furnished like the upper level. Anyway, hungry Evonne & Me finally settled down to order some food.
I ordered dry pork la mian as Evonne tried the cow belly one. Din managed to take a shoot of the food when served, bec too hungry.
The food-court looking seats. There is this couple busily choosing the food they want to order while the other table, 1 staff is eating the same bowl of noodles they ordered... are they having the same food everyday? I pity them. :(
Well, what I think of the noodles? :-X
To date, I've not tried peanut paste in my noodles before. Evonne's slightly better as hers looked more like traditional type, with no funny peanut paste.
Evonne smiling geekily, sipping the home-made sour plum drink. She says it has a strong herbal smell, but she finds it fine.
Then behind us.... a live band!!
Actually a Hungry-ghost festival Ge Tai show
I never know there is a KTV here... for special guests? One of the ladies looked like those performing for 7-mth Ge Tai one. Maybe I can do a performance here to earn some extra $$$ too?
Gosh!! I am getting fat.
Had been pigging out recently, lack of exercise really brought me into such bad state. I need to go for continous 1-week gym to shed of those 'lard' off my tummy & thighs. But I am too lazy even to climb the stairs from 1st to 4th storey of my flat.
Hmmm... is there another better way to shed off the excess spare tyre and insulation off my bountiful figure?
My helpful and beloved sis brought me to Substle Senses for their SPA promotions. Actually, it is my 2nd time there. The 1st time I enjoyed over there is a milk scrub+massage last year. The promo is $40 for 2 persons, with a body wrap+massage. Due to time-contraints and over-whelming response, the SPA is not able to give us a full treatment, thus got to do either 1 first, the next treatment another day. My sis booked the massage as she enjoyed someone to "break" her bones as I try for the 'slim wrap' (I have no idea wat it is about)
Well...... I was 'forced' to strip and put on just a paper panty. Not too used of being naked. The masseur applied the cool slimming gel on my tummy, thighs... and I felt.. ticklish. Bec not used to it mah..
Then she used the kitchen polythene sheets to wrap me until like this... (argh..)
and put me into the 'steamer' like a xiu mai (well, steam bath la)
I had difficulties in walking into the steam bath already bec the wrapping made my body very stiff (walking in crab-like version to the steam bath)not to mention abt sitting down comfortably to relax as the hot steam projected onto my badly mummified body, I was there standing thoughout the whole 20 mins process. Was jumping up & down bec the hot steam was scalding my legs. I sweated profusely, the polythene sheets became soggy and I managed to sit down properly eventually....
After the treatment it was found that I lost 1.5 cm off my thighs. But the rest remained unchanged. The masseur was saying that I should try the boxing-machine (for $50) that would help to 'loosen' the hard fat so I would see better results. Well, sales gimmicks... :(
Nabeh... my sis wanted me to treat her instead this time round... ok lah, she's my sis mah... There goes my wallet. :(
Hurray! I've more or less prepared for the trip to Phuket. Will be staying over in Club Anadaman Beach Resort. There will be major sun-tanning, thus I've bought the sun-protection.
Sun-block for face and sun-spray for body.
Oh... I am still lacking of a cap/hat and a pair of shades.
My not-so-sexy-but-still-quite-nice bikini from Blush! Will be wearing a pair of beach shorts then.
Remember the place where Leonardo Dicarprio's "The Beach" is, it is at Phi Phi Island. I know alot of people died there (tsunami) but I am considering to go there for snokerlling as well... hmm.. maybe dropping by the another famous "James Bond" island too. I am starting to imaging myself running towards the beach like a Bond Girl, wearing a skimpy bikini with belt and a gun between my thighs... haha..
Hey!! Another few inches from my tummy to go... (DUH!!)
Another week of work started. I made my way hastily to work. While walking past the blocks of flats, I noticed that the sky appeared to be quite different that day. I quickly took a snap-shot of the beautiful sky to make my day. The clouds seemed to be mellowing across the blue sky, casting a sort of a unique pattern. I was wishing each day to be different, to be different from the routine so life would not be so boring.
Some people loved it, some hated it...
Well, I've not caught the anime version nor the comic version. The anime was already a hot favourite few years ago, thus the Hongkies decided to do a movie version of the show.
Alot of people were asking, "Hey!! I can act better than Jay for the Takumi guy!!". Being sued for overdose of coolness, Jay has been heavily criticised for this lead role in Initial D. You see, Jay is indeed suitable for this role!!! See below!!
Takumi (Initial D) has expressionless eyes, cool posture and "heck-care" attitude, just like Jay!! (almost killed by his overdose of coolness)
Snippets from Initial D's anime & Comic
Another Character I like to mention is Edison Chen as Ryosuke Takahashi, the leader for the street racing team, The Redsuns.
Hey! What you staring at? Kiam pa ah!!?? @#$$$ :p
Heard that Edison has a bad attitude in the Hong Kong Entertainment, but as the saying goes, "Nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai.." Well... I guess it is true as alot of my colleagues are going "ga-ga" over this boy. He is just an "attitude" ah-beng.
Having a boyish-looking appearance, sometimes I feel his actions are little extra and somehow reminds me of a primate.... hmm... overdose of coolness also?
Edison Chen in his boyish side & "dark" side??
I was reading the comic Deathnote few weeks ago, and Edison reminded me of this character "L"!! He likes to analyse and uses his wits to help the police bust crimes. However, he does not have a good posture, always croaching his back, can't sit still, likes to eat sweet stuffs, behaves more like an orang-utan than a man... but when he talks, he sounds like a genius!!
Deathnote - Character "L"
See the difference? :D
Itsuki goes "ga-ga" over "L"(Edison)...rather than a Mazda RX7..
Oh mine.... is Edison going to cosplay "L"?
Anne Suzuki and Takeshi Kaneshiro in "Returner" Well, Anne was acting as Natsuki (Jay's gf) in "Initial D", just in case u are wondering why this pic is here.