Friday, June 24, 2005

Skin Care & Skin Problems

Had a pimple outbreak recently, I guess it was due to PMS.

Does anyone believe in having a very good facial that can help to prevent such problems? Frankly speaking, facial is good when you are lazy to take care of yr skin. Just book a time with the salon, pay for the service, present yr face to them and enjoy two hours session while they wash, scrub and massage on it.... Most of the time, you never know what kind of stuff they applied on yr face, whether they washed it clean for you (especially they are so busy doing with multi-tasking on other clients next to you) or whether the massage is good enough for you. In fact most of the time, I was there lying on the cold bed with just a miserable thin layer of towel wrapped around me. (I really hated waiting).

Squeezing the zits from your face is quite an enjoyable process provided if the person knows how to do it so your face wont be peppered with scars and reddish marks. I do not really have outbreak that often, but the recent visit to MTM, they used a microscopic device to test on my skin, found out that actually I have alot of clogged pores. Reasons can be due to inproper cleansing, did not do regular maintenance of unclogging the pores (which means I did not squeeze out the zits), enlarged pores (due to additional built-up stuck inside the pores).... Damn... I was thinking what the hell had I been paying for the last few years for the facial treatments!!

I am not trying to promote on MTM's services, but their service is really good!! (of course, if you pay peanuts you get monkeys for other cheap facials around) They explained to me that what i 'suffered' is dehydration as the clogged pores did not allow the good nutrients to be absorbed into my skin, leading to dryness and dull looking complexion. Thus they recommended a very expensive facial called "Moisture Penetration"... Wow... sounds chim. They even drew out some 'construction drawings' on how my zits hidden underneath to be removed, then refine the pores to make them smaller... I must say, sounded quite impressive at first. So I decided to try on their facial, for just 1 time.

This time round, I wasn't lying on any cold bed, in fact they have very nice warm blanket!! The beautician even explained what she was doing... the steps were:

1) using the cleansing milk on my skin, neck shoulders
2) Scrubbing off the dead skin cells
3) Pouring the essence to soften the skin layer <-- guess what is it for?
4) Turn on the steamer and channelled the evaporated water vapour onto my face. I even asked her how many degrees celcius was the steam. Luckily it wsn't 100.
5) Press out all the zits from my face. Ouch!!! The purpose of the essence is to soften the pores so zits can come out easily
6) Put on the cold compression lotion <-- to lessen the red marks
7) Masking ~~ Ah... soothing... the same cold hydration mask I bought

Guess how much I paid for this facial.... (heartache!!) I din take up the package in the end as it is way-off my budget. I might as well declare bankrupt.


To treat my zits which have suddenly emerged out all at 1 time, I went to the Biotherm counter at Seiyu Bugis to buy this acne gel which cost me $38. I've tried the sample product from Her World before and trust me.. this acne gel is the best thing in the world.... The counter gal even gave me a free sample of their moisturing toner.. When applied on my skin~~ Ah~~ Heavenly feeling~~~

I am still jumping from 1 product to another... :P