Friday, December 31, 2004

I felt so sorry and sad to see the recent Tsunami (tidal waves) that has killed so many people.. bodies are floating on the beaches and homes are destroyed.

*silently prayed for 10 seconds*

On 26 Dec 04, 9.00am, I guess I was still lazing around on the hotel bed. I was having a 3 days JB outing with my friends for Xmas celebrations. At around 9.30am, we then walked to the cafe for breakfast. At around 12pm, we then packed and moved out of the hotel. Suddenly, there is a strong gust of wind and caught me.. I was thinking, "This is unusual... is there something happening in the other side of the world?" I looked at the people on the streets... they looked pretty fine. Never did i realised that such a disaster had happened nearby...

It looks like God never stopped playing with us... every year, there is borne to have a major "event" happening. There was SARS, Bird Flu, this time a major wave that had caused so much suffering... I started to wonder if there is a retribution to things we had done in disobeying his Words.. So what's next...? A holocaust to kill us all off?