However the trainer is kind of a "drama queen", very talkative, and likes to digress from the lessons. He also has little patience attending to slow participants who had problem in catching up with the lessons. He even threw up a temper when one of the participant asked for his help, realizing that she had done everything wrong.
At certain times he would "brag" to us on his knowledge of foreign languages, French German, even Egyptian. He also tries to impress us with his crazy sense of fashion, example pink all over with his Jason Mraz hat, saying that his friends comments he looks like Jason Mraz and he hates it, kind of thing. And he declares that he does not speak Mandarin as he is a Baba which I doubt as he seems to understand somehow, just detesting the language and feeling proud over his multi-lingustic capability and Peranakan heritage.
It is certainly not easy to forget this diva trainer, whom you either hate him and like him at the same time.
I spotted an old arcade machine at Aljunied! So retro!
Featuring "King of Fighters", one of the most popular games in NEOGEO.

The arcade booth is very small actually. You just need a 20 cent coin to play a game.
No stools/chairs around for you to sit down down and play though.