I went for "makeover" again.
Similar to last time, it was the makeover by a Korean makeup artist who spoke utterly no English. The makeup session was guided by a translator (a Korean girl who stayed in Australia since young) who helped to explain what the makeup artist was doing.
The experience was "terrifying". In the beginning, he sprayed the facial mist generously over my face. The droplets smarted my eyes as they seeped into accidentally while he kept saying "Relax... relax...". Should have also closed my lips more tightly when I tasted the funny liquid. The next moment, using a brush, he painted the foundation over my face. Tears flowed down when he was trying to draw my eyes with eyeliner ( I hated this part!!) The process was slow and long but ain't boring as both Koreans were chatting with me as they moved along. The only thing I wasn't too pleased about was the makeup artist had quite a smokey breath.
The results? It was pretty ok, except the makeup was a bit too thick. My face felt heavy. I can also see the fine lines under my eyes. Right after the makeup, was the hairdo, then finally the photo-shoot.
At the end of the day, I splurged on the products again. =(