Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I think I've made a hurtful remarks about wasteful my Auntie(currently staying in my grandma place) has made over her baked pasteries and cakes to my Uncle. It wasn't intentional but it hit right at the spot.

Sis came over to stay with us over 1 week at our place. We woke up one morning and as usual my uncle would tell us to eat the cake my auntie baked or bring to office for breakfast.... he himself declared that he din like to eat cake and prefered to have fried beehoon for breakfast.

After hearing what I said on how wasteful it was over the baked pastries and no one's eating, he took it seriously and went over to eat the cake and even told my sister that he was not going to waste food.... showing some anger over the fact I spoke "bad" of my Auntie wasting food.

Feeling perplexed .. should I tell a lie or the truth to express what I felt over this?