Am I tired?It's strange..
Do I really have a tired look? Minfen always asked me what time I slept last nite. I told her 1am lor, it's my usual time of sleeping. She always think that I must be always studying very hard at nite, staring at my horrendous-looking eyebags. (=__=)
Sigh.. you think I want that meh?I'm used to the hectic life already.
I'm not an early person, had trouble waking up in the morning. In fact, I am more energetic during nite time. (Too bad, exams are not held at nite) It wasn't the overdose of coffee, it was just my natural abililty to stay up late at nite. I know it wasn't too good to stay in this kind of lifestyle.
Funny.. why did everyone tell me to rest early when I am not tired. I just looked tired, that's all. I wanna talk more, joke more, laugh more.....
In order to return to the normal lifestyle, I tried putting myself on bed before 12am.
I ended up waking up at 5am the next morning....
WTH, wat's the use of sleeping so early when the hours of sleeping are the same?
Haha... :D
I encountered the same cat this morning around 530am. She was meowing the corridor, sounding rather pitiful. So I just grabbed watever was inside the fridge, fortunately there was a packet of fresh milk. I heated up some, poured into a bowl and offered to her. NB, she din drink and keep meowing dunno wat...... such pampered little bastard...
sian liao. wont offer anything to her in future.